Pursuant to Article 277 paragraph 2, and Article 263 of the Companies Act (Official Gazette, No 152/11 – consolidated text, 111/12, 68/13 and 110/15) (hereinafter referred to as: the Act) and Article 10 paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association of the company SUNCE KONCERN d.d., Zagreb, Trpinjska 9, PIN (OIB): 06916431329 (hereinafter referred to as: the Company), the Management and the Supervisory Board of the Company on 6th of May 2019 issued a decision to hold the Annual General Meeting, and hereby invites the shareholders of the Company to attend the
that shall be held on 28 June 2019 at 12 o’clock, at the Company’s main office in Trpinjska 9, Zagreb
Invitation to General Assembly can be downloaded by clicking on PDF.
Source of information:
Sunce Koncern d.d.
Trpinjska 9
10000 ZAGREB
Tel: 01/3844-044
Fax: 01/3844-177
E-mail: ir@bluesunhotels.com
Web: www.bluesunhotels.com
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