On joint meeting held on April 29, 2019 between Uljanik d.d. Supervisory Board and Uljanik d.d. Management Board, the decision was brought on revoking the decision of February 7, 2019 (Ref.No. H001.03.NO.012) on selecting Brodograđevna industrija Split d.d., Put Supavla 21, Split, as the chosen strategic partner of company ULJANIK d.d.
By this decision the selected strategic partner ceases to be strategic partner of Uljanik d.d., thus enabling Uljanik d.d. to repeat the process of strategic partnership, under conditions determined by Uljanik d.d. Management Board and Supervisory Board.
Uljanik d.d.
Source of information:
Flaciusova 1, 52100 Pula, Hrvatska
Informations to investors:
Tel: 00385 52 373 102
Fax: 00385 52 373 646
e-mail: pavlina.klasta@uljanik.hr
web: www.uljanik.hr
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