We herewith inform that in the course of yesterday premises of Uljanik were searched based on a warrant issued by the investigating magistrate of the County court in Pula.
Taking into account the sensitivity of information as well ongoing procedures, we are not in a position to elaborate on the details of actions carried out.
Surveillance by several state institutions over companies of Uljanik Group is under way whereat the relevant departments of Uljanik Group are providing full support with the aim of bringing significant conclusions.
Uljanik d.d.
Source of information:
Flaciusova 1, 52100 Pula, Hrvatska
Informations to investors:
Tel: 00385 52 373 102
Fax: 00385 52 373 646
e-mail: pavlina.klasta@uljanik.hr
web: www.uljanik.hr
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