Split University said in a statement on Thursday that its delegation, led by Rector Simun Andjelinovic, visited the Technion and held together with their Israeli hosts several presentations, exchanged experiences and discussed their future strategic partnership.
Technion president Peretz Lavie said that Israeli and Croatian researchers working in similar research fields could organise joint conferences and the two institutions exchange teaching staff.
Lavie recalled that the Technion was Israel's and possibly the world's leading institution for the transfer of new technologies to the business sector. It has only a few strategic partners globally, including partners in the United States and China.
Lavie added that the cooperation between the two institutions could start soon with the launching of joint doctoral studies at Split University that would make that institution even more attractive on the global market, as well as with joint targeted research projects within the EU's main research projects, such as Horizon 2020.
He said that the Technion was willing to share with Split University the know-how so that it could develop an integral system of innovation and use it to develop the economy.
Andjelinovic said that Split University wanted to cooperate with the best in the field of research and education, notably in the field of technology transfer and innovation.