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OTS: Ledo d.d. - Decision on the convocation of the General Assembly

Zagreb (HinaOTS) - Ledo joint stock company for production and sale of ice cream and frozen foods, Zagreb, Čavićeva 1a, MBS: 080002964, OIB: 87955947581, publishes an investors release:

In order with the request stated on 22 May 2017 from the Extraordinary Commissioner of Agrokor d.d., pursuant to the Article 13, paragraph 3 of the Act on the Procedures of Extraordinary Administration in Companies of Systematic Importance for the Republic of Croatia (NN 32/2017, hereinafter: ZPIU)  and to the Article 24 of the Articles of Association of LEDO, joint stock company for the production and trade of ice cream and frozen foods, Zagreb, Marijana Čavića 1a (hereinafter: the Company), the Management Board of the Company has passed a


on the convocation of the General Assembly of LEDO d.d., Zagreb


I         The Extraordinary General Assembly of the shareholders of the Company will be held on 05 June 2017 at Konzum d.d in Zagreb, Turinina 11, commencing at 11.30 hours.

II     The session of the General Assembly is determined and published with the following

A g e n d a

Opening of the General Assembly, determination of present and represented shareholders and their proxies;

Adoption of the Decision of recall of the members of the Supervisory Borad, as following: as following: the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ljerka Puljić, Ante Todorić, and Marica Guina Torres Dujisin

Adoption of  the Decision of appointment of the members od the Supervisory Board, as following: Vladimir Bošnjak,  Luka Cvitan and Teo Vujčić.


III         The right to participate in the General Assembly and exercise voting rights (1 share = 1 vote) holds every shareholder of the Company, who confirms participation in written form to the Company no later than six days before the General Assembly, or at the latest by 29 May 2017. Company shareholder is any shareholder who is registered with the Central Depository and Clearing Company d.d. (hereinafter: the CDCC) on the last day of registration for participation in the General Assembly, i.e. 29 May 2017.

IV         Shareholders participate in the General Assembly either personally or through their proxy on the basis of a written power of attorney duly notarized. Shareholders employees of the Company can verify the power of attorney with the Management Board.

V          The application shall have the following contents and attachments:

Shareholders – natural persons:

- name and family name, residence, personal identification number (OIB), number of

account opened with the CDCC and the total number of shares of the shareholder



Shareholders– legal persons:

-Company name, residence, personal identification number (OIB),

number of account opened with the CDCC and the total number of shares of the

shareholder concerned;

Copy of an excerpt from the court register or from other register of persons authorized to represent a legal person;

Power of attorney for representation of the legal person if the legal person is not represented by a person authorized for representation in accordance with the legal provisions

Proxies of shareholders - natural persons:

Name and family name, residence, address of the proxy;

List of shareholders the proxy is representing; for each shareholder – number of their account opened with the CDCC and the total number of shares of all represented shareholders;

All individual powers of attorney on the recommended form shall be attached to the application

Proxies of shareholders – legal persons:

Company name, seat and address and proxy's personal identification number (OIB);

List of shareholders the proxy is representing, for each shareholder – number of their account opened with the CDCC and the total number of shares of all represented shareholders;

Inidividual powers of attorney given by shareholders in written form shall be attached to the application; if a shareholder is a legal person, the attachment shall contain an excerpt from the court register or other register in which the legal person is entered or a copy of such document, a certified copy or other public document clearly showing that the power of attorney was signed by a person who is under law authorized to represent the legal person concerned.

It is recommended to use forms for application for participation in the General Assembly and the powers of attorney, which can be obtained at the Company's headquarters, and which are also available on the company website

VI         This Decision and proposals of decision  to the General Assembly will be published in the Official Gazette, on the website of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, HINA (Croatian News Agency) and LEDO d.d. and delivered to the CFSSA (Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency).

VII        All materials related to the agenda of the General Assembly will be available to shareholders at the Company's headquarters every working day from 09,00-14,00 from the date of publication of this Decision in the Official Gazette

VIII       Shareholders may, pursuant to the Article 282. Paragraph 1. of the Company act, announce their counterproposal to the proposed Decisions by the Agenda, together with the explanation, on the General Assembly session.


IX         Agenda item no. 1. are not to be voted on, while all other items on the agenda are to be voted on.  


X      Proposals of decisions of the Extraordinary Commissioner to the agenda items no.2. and  3:


ad 2)  


Recall of the members of the Supervisory Board, as following: the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ljerka Puljić, Zagreb, Jurjevska 75/A, OIB: 64575810412, Ante Todorić, Zagreb, Himper 5/4, OIB: 08034396130 and Marica Guina Torres Dujisin, Zagreb, Kneza Višeslava 7, OIB: 24116303888.


This decision shall enter into force upon its adoption.


ad 3)  


Appointment of the members of the Supervisory Board, as following: Vladimir Bošnjak, Zagreb, Ulica Ante Topić-Mimare 45, OIB: 47191051444; Luka Cvitan, Zagreb, Petrinjska 26a, OIB: 02348897449 and Teo Vujčić, Zagreb, Palinovečka 19 I, OIB: 28736413641.

Members of the Supervisory Board are elected for a mandate of four years.


This decision shall enter into force upon its adoption.



                                                                                             LEDO d.d.

                                                                                                          Management of the Company


Source of information:

Ledo d.d.

Marijana Čavića 1a

10000 Zagreb

Telefon: 01 2385 666

Telefax: 01 2385 686




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