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OTS: Atlantic Grupa d.d. - Notification on Prospectus publication method

Zagreb (HinaOTS) - Atlantic Grupa d.d., Zagreb, Miramarska 23, MB: 1671910, OIB: 71149912416,  is issuing as follows:

Pursuant to the provision of Article 373, Paragraph 4 of the Capital Market Act, and pursuant to Article 31 of the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 and its amendments, Atlantic Grupa d.d., Zagreb, Miramarska 23, (hereinafter: the „Issuer“) hereby announces the notice of publication method for the public offer issue Prospectus and the admission of bonds of Atlantic Grupa d.d. in the amount of HRK 200 million, with fixed interest rate, with a semiannual payment of interest, and five-year maturity, to the Official Market of Zagreb Stock Exchange. On 10th June 2016, the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency delivered a Decision, Class: UP/I 976-02/16-01/03, Reg. No.: 326-01-770-772-16-5, by which the Issuer is approved the public offer issue Prospectus and the admission of bonds (hereinafter: the „Prospectus“).

Subject of the public offer issue and the admission to the Official Market of Zagreb Stock Exchange Inc. is HRK 200 million of a total amount of the Issuer’s bonds, issued in a registered form, in a book-entry form, with a nominal amount of one bond of HRK 1, at a fixed interest rate with a semi-annual payment of interest, with five-year maturity, identification code: ATGR-O-216A, ISIN: HRATGRO216A9 (hereinafter: the „Bonds“).

Offer period will last for a set time within one working day. The exact date and duration of the offer period will be publicly announced in the Invitation for subscription, immediately prior to the beginning of the offer period, when the subscription form will be available. The Bonds will be admitted to the Official Market of Zagreb Stock Exchange upon receiving the approval by the Zagreb Stock Exchange Inc.

Prospectus was published on 13th June 2016 and it is available to the public:
- In electronic form, on the web-pages of the Issuer, at, in the period of one year from the admission of the Bonds to the Official Market of Zagreb Stock Exchange;
- In printed form, placed at the disposal of public free of charge, at the following address: Atlantic Grupa d.d., Miramarska 23, Zagreb, every working day (Monday thru Friday), during working hours of the Issuer (8:30 to 16:30 hours) in the period of one year from the admission of the Bonds to the Official Market of Zagreb Stock Exchange.

Atlantic Grupa d.d.

Source of information:
Atlantic Grupa d.d.
Miramarska 23, 10000 Zagreb
Informations to investors:
tel: +385 1 2413 145
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