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OTS: INA-Industrija nafte d.d. - General Shareholders′ Assembly decisions

Zagreb (HInaOTS) - On 09 June 2016 the General Shareholders′ Assembly of INA - INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d. Zagreb was held at the head office of INA-Industrija nafte,d.d., Avenija V. Holjevca 10, Zagreb, Croatia, attended by 9,703,944 votes or 97.04% of 10,000,000 votes in total.

The Shareholders´ Assembly Agenda was as follows:

   1. Opening of the General Assembly and establishing the attendance list
   2. Consolidated and unconsolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 2015 together with Independent Auditor's Report, Company and INA Group Status Report for 2015, Report on the Supervision of the Conduct of Company’s Business in 2015
   3. Decision on loss coverage of INA, d.d. in 2015
   4. Discharge to the members of the Management Board for business year 2015
   5. Discharge to the members of the Supervisory Board for business year 2015
   6. Decision on selection of the auditor of the Company for 2016
   7. Decision on the amendments to the list of the Company’s business activities – additional activities
   8. Decision on amendments to the Articles of Association of INA, d.d.
   9. Approval of the completed Company’s Articles of Association and abrogation of the Company’s Articles of Association dated June 12, 2015.
 10. Decision on the dismissal and appointment of three members of the Supervisory Board.

The Shareholders´ Assembly rendered the following decisions:

Ad 3
Based on the approved Financial Statements of INA-Industrija nafte, d.d. Zagreb, loss for the year 2015 is determined in the amount of HRK 1,202,448,637.19 and it will be covered from retained earnings in the amount of HRK 892,554,494.78 and the remaining part of HRK 309,894,142.41 will be covered from legal reserves.

Ad 4
Discharge is granted to the members of the Management Board of INA, d.d. for the business year 2015.

Ad 5
Discharge is granted to the members of the Supervisory Board INA, d.d. for the business year 2015.

Ad 6
Audit company Ernst & Young, d.o.o. Radnička cesta 50, 10 000 Zagreb is selected as the Auditor of INA, d.d. in 2016.

Ad 7
The Company’s list of business activities is to be amended by addition of the following lines:
   * Transport of dangerous goods
   * Administrative activities
   * Transcription services, copying, photocopying, binding and plasticizing
   * Activity of electronic communications networks and services
   * Universal services in the field of electronic communications
   * Services with special tariff

Ad 8
Decision on the Amendments of the Articles of Association of INA – INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d.

                         Article 1
Article 4, paragraph 1 is to be changed and amended as follows:
   - the following indents are to be added:
   * Transport of dangerous goods
   * Administrative activities
   * Transcription services, copying, photocopying, binding and plasticizing
   * Activity of electronic communications networks and services
   * Universal services in the field of electronic communications
   * Services with special tariff

                           Article 2
Other provisions of the Articles of Association shall remain unaffected.

                           Article 3
The decision on the Amendments of the Articles of Association shall come into effect on the date of entry into court registry.

Ad 9
Approval is given by the General Assembly for the completed Articles of Association as in the enclosed text and it is an integral part of this Decision. Articles of Association dated June 12, 2015 shall no longer be valid as of the date when new Articles of Association come into force. 

Ad 10
Members of the Supervisory Board are hereby dismissed as follows:
   1) Prof. dr. sc. Siniša Petrović (adress: Zvonarnička 5a, Zagreb, OIB 69590126082
   2) Željko Perić,dipl.oec. (adress: Remete 1, Zagreb), OIB 29113159255 
   3) Mladen Proštenik, (adress: I Poljski put 23, Zagreb), OIB 65443622367 

Members of the Supervisory Board are hereby elected as follows:
   1) Dario Čehić,OIB 04335933245, mag.iur., Baderna 8d, 52445 Baderna
   2) Luka Burilović,OIB 09991752217, sveučilišni spec. Ekonomije, Vijenac Jakova Gotovca 23, 32100 Vinkovci
   3) Damir Vanđelić, OIB 21199830833, strojarstva, Andrea Amoroso 4, 52210 Rovinj

     This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.

Source of information:
OIB: 27759560625
Tel.: + 385 1 645 0000
Fax: + 385 1 645 2444
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