Compared to data of one year ago, the banks' gross profits on the last day of September 2014 were down 8.2% or 176.3 million kuna.
The banks' and savings banks' assets at the end of September were 399.7 billion kuna, 0.47% up from the end of 2013.
Of the 30 banks and savings banks, 20 operated at a profit and 10 at a loss.
Zagrebacka Banka reported the highest gross profit, amounting to slightly more than one billion kuna. It is followed by Privredna Banka Zagreb, with a pre-tax profit of HRK 641 million.
Raiffeisenbank Austria earned a gross profit amounting to 358.2 million kuna, Erste&Steiermaerkische Bank reported a gross profit of 231.1 million, and Societe Generale - Splitska Banka a gross profit of 213.5 million kuna.
When the gross profit of five building societies, totalling 66.7 million kuna, is added to this amount, the lenders' total pre-tax profit at the end of September reaches 2.03 billion kuna.