ORLANDO, 29. lipnja (Hina) - Nakon susreta F skupine Svjetskog
nogometnog prvenstva između Nizozemske i Maroka (2:1), izjave su
dali izbornici obje reprezentacije:
Dick Advocaat, selektor Nizozemske:
"Velika vručina onemogučila je bolju igru moje momčadi. Ne govorim
to radi opravdanja za neefikasnu igru, ali teško je igrati u takvim
uvjetima. Pokušavali smo stvarati prilike za pogodak i ja sam
zadovoljan prikazanim, kao i činjenicom da smo prvoplasirani u svojoj
skupini, što znači da ostajemo u Orlandu. Ohrabrujuće je to što
igramo protiv Irske, koja će također imati problema s visokom
Abdellah Ajri Blinda, selektor Maroka:
"Razočaran sam. Odigrali smo danas dobru utakmicu i nismo zaslužili
poraz. Zadovoljan sam igrom svojih igrača unatoč porazu i nepovoljnom
plasmanu u grupi. Prvenstvo smo odigrali protiv objektivno kvalitetnijih
momčadi, ali ipak nismo gubili velikom razlikom."
(Hina) iv iv
Dutch trainer Dick Advocaat said the intense heat had
disturbed his team's play. "I don't want to use it as an
excuse but playing under these conditions is very difficult
indeed," he said.
"We tried to keep possession as much as possible and look
for goal chances but, because of the heat, we didn't create
"We're pleased to finish top of our group even if that
means we stay in Orlando. But at least Ireland (the next
opponents) are another European team and they will have the
same problems as us."
Advocaat said Saudi Arabia's win over Belgium had shown
the Arab side was a good team and indicated why the Dutch had
also found it hard to beat them.
"We've been criticised but we came first in the group and
we won two matches. Not many countries at this World Cup have
done that," he said.
Moroccan coach Abdellah Ajri Blinda said the third defeat
in a row for his team was disappointing. "We didn't deserve to
lose today," he said. "We played a good match.
"Despite the results, we've had a good tournament. We
didn't lose by big margins and a good team with a strong
future emerged."
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292256 MET jun 94
292256 MET jun 94
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