NEW YORK - Šećer br. 18 službena količina 06. studenoga 1996.
Mar97 10309
May97 1450
Jul97 646
Oct95 457
Mar98 210
May98 10
Jul98 0
Ukupna službena količina 13082
NEW YORK - Šećer br.11 cijene pri zatvaranju burze 07. studenoga
MAR7 10.46 10.44 10.51 10.39 10.46 10.48
MAY7 10.54 10.52 10.55 10.49 10.52 10.54
JUL7 10.45 10.40 10.45 10.39 10.44 10.45
OCT7 10.44 10.39 10.44 10.39 10.44 10.44
MAR8 10.45 10.41 10.48 10.41 10.45 10.45
MAY8 10.44 10.39 10.44 10.43 10.44 10.44
JUL8 10.35 10.41 10.41
OCT8 10.20
CSCE world sugar ends higher, but fails resistance
NEW YORK, Nov 7 (Reuter) - CSCE world sugar futures ended
with modest gains Thursday in what dealers said was a
continued correction from recent lows, but the market was
unable to punch through major chart resistance.
New York raws put in a solid performance for the second
straight day, traders said, after rebounding from a mid-week
test of six-month lows.
"The market is consolidating after getting overdone to the
downside," said one broker. "We had a technical rally, but it
ran into selling on a scale-up basis from the trade, and that
limited the upside."
Benchmark March futures rose 0.08 cent per lb on the day,
to 10.48 cents, posting trades from 10.39 to 10.51. The market
fell just shy of a nearby chart objective at 10.52, with buy
stops seen well-placed above that level.
Second-position May climbed 0.06 cent, to 10.54, as its
premium to the spot contract narrowed to a mere six points.
The day's volume was fairly light, at an estiamted 11,423
Whether or not the market managed to clear resistance at
10.52, traders said bearish fundamentals would continue to
weigh on the market's long-term potential.
"Everyone realizes that we're looking at a big surplus in
the world sugar market next year, so there is really no reason
for it to move up except for a technical retracement," a
trader noted.
informacije: Zoran Popijač telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148
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