SAD - KAVA Trgovačke spot cijene 30. listopada 1996.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 4 cent under "C" 115.15 N
Colombian MAMs 23 cts over "C" 142.15 N
El Salvador 8 cts over "C" 127.15 N
Mexican 6 cts over "C" 125.15 N
Guatemala 8 cts over "C" 127.15 N
Peru 6 cts over "C" 125.15 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 4 cts over London 71.35 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts under London 65.35 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 107.15 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 30. listopada 1996.
DEC6 119.20 115.75 119.75 114.75 118.80 119.15 1
MAR7 106.40 104.50 106.50 104.25 106.20 106.30 1
MAY7 103.75 102.80 104.00 101.75 103.75 103.75 1
JUL7 102.75 102.00 102.75 101.50 102.90 103.00 1
SEP7 101.80 101.50 101.80 101.00 102.10 102.20 1
DEC7 101.00 100.50 101.00 101.00 102.40 102.45 1
MAR8 100.00 102.40 102.45 1
CSCE coffee ends higher on late short-covering
NEW YORK, Oct 30 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
higher Wednesday, buoyed by a late-session round of fund short
covering, floor sources said.
Prices headed lower in the morning, following through on
Tuesday's sharp losses. But when the key December contract
failed to fill a gap on the charts between 115.10 and 113.30
cents a lb, traders said operators scrambled to cover short
"Yesterday's action was very negative. It was a key
reversal day, open interest was high and volume was high,"
said Smith Barney analyst Walter Spilka. "It is not unusual to
see the market bounce back after a day like that."
Front-month December futures posted the biggest gains,
underpinned by persistent spot supply concerns. December's
premium to second-month March widened to 12.85 cents, up from
11.35 cents at the close Tuesday.
December ended up 2.80 cents a lb, at 119.15, after
ranging between 119.75 and 114.75. March rose 1.30 cents, to
106.30, while the rest closed 0.20 to 1.10 higher.
Turnover reached an estimated 9,295 lots, down from
tuesday's official tally of 12,793 lots.
Technically, traders said December faced stiff resistance
at Tuesday's high of 123.00 cents. On the downside, 116.50
cents is expected to provide near-term support.
Traders noted brisk activity in the out-of the-money
120.00 and 125.00 calls ahead of December options expiry
In the options pit, an estimated 2,199 calls were traded,
while 1,289 puts changed hands.
311026 MET oct 96
Tajvanski proizvođač čipova najavljuje 100 mlrd dolara ulaganja u SAD-u
London ostaje "usredotočen" na postizanje mira u Ukrajini
Poslušao "stručnjaka za kriptovalute" pa prevaren za sto tisuća eura
SKV: Svijet u 12,30 sati
SKV: Sport u 12.30 sati
Mlinarić: Ne pada nam na pamet srušiti vlastitu vladu
Ukrajina odlučna nastaviti suradnju s Washingtonom - premijer
Stranka Bandić Milan 365 u stečaju s imovinom od 5960 eura
Ukrajinci ogorčeni, smatraju da obustava američke pomoći ide na ruku Rusiji
Dimne bombe, tučnjava i kaos u srpskom parlamentu