SAD - KAVA Trgovačke spot cijene 23. listopada 1996.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 1 cent under "C" 118.30 N
Colombian MAMs 23 cts over "C" 142.30 N
El Salvador 8 cts over "C" 127.30 N
Mexican 6 cts over "C" 125.30 N
Guatemala 8 cts over "C" 127.30 N
Peru 6 cts over "C" 125.30 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 4 cts over London 73.76 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts under London 67.76 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 107.30 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 28. listopada 1996.
DEC6 118.90 116.50 120.10 116.50 118.90 119.10 1
MAR7 105.75 104.25 106.40 104.25 105.60 105.85 1
MAY7 104.00 103.00 104.00 102.75 104.00 104.00 1
JUL7 103.25 102.50 104.00 103.00 103.25 103.25 1
SEP7 102.25 102.00 102.25 102.25 102.25 102.25 1
DEC7 102.75 102.00 102.75 102.75 103.00 103.40 1
MAR8 102.00 103.50 103.65 1
CSCE coffee ends higher, awaits cert stocks data
NEW YORK, Oct 28 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
higher Monday, with spot December advancing sharply on trade
and speculative buying, floor sources said.
December coffee flirted with chart resistance near 120
cents a lb, but traders said steady selling by producers --
notably Brazil and Colombia -- kept a lid on gains.
December ended up 3.10 cents at 119.10, traded from 120.10
to 116.50. Second-month March rose 1.75 cents to 105.85, while
the rest closed 0.10 to 1.65 higher.
Today's activity stretched December's premium to
second-position March to 13.25 cents, up from 11.90 cents at
the close Friday.
Merrill Lynch analyst Judith Ganes said current low supply
levels of spot coffee continued prop up prices.
"There just is not any real amount of coffee around," said
Ganes. "And there probably won't be for a few weeks."
Traders await the latest U.S. certified stock data due
after the close on Monday, but little change was expected
after the CSCE reported last week no coffee was pending
Some traders said there may be a slight drawdown in
stocks, but with stocks reported last Monday at just 5,583
60-kg bags, a futher decrease in exchange inventories would
probably have little impact on the market.
In other news, British trade house E D & F Man said Monday
world 1995/96 (Oct-Sept) coffee exports could reach about 72.5
million 60-kg bags, a 7.1 million bag rise over 1994/95.
Exports from the region of Central America and Mexico had
been particularly strong, it said, with regional sales of
around 15.9 million bags, 3.3 million above the previous year
and some 700,000 bags above the previous record high in
Technically, traders said December's close today above
118.50 cents was constructive. They pegged resistance at
122.50 cents, with December's next upside target at 126.
Support was seen at today's low of 116.50.
Volume reached an estimated 9,419 lots.
291059 MET oct 96
Modrić i Koke pozvali publiku na korektno navijanje
Pfizer bi mogao vratiti proizvodnju lijekova u SAD
Prihodi Newcastle Uniteda skočili su 28%
Bundesbank predložio izmjenu propisa o državnom zaduživanju
Šef UN-a podržao arapski prijedlog obnove Gaze
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Tusk: Američka obustava vojne pomoći Kijevu već je stupila na snagu
Najava - gospodarstvo - za srijedu, 5. ožujka
Gospodarstvo - ukratko do 17,30 sati
Cijene nafte pale prema 70 dolara, u fokusu opskrba