U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 03. listopada 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 6,525 ( 5,199 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
75,15 centi (75,68 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 03. listopada 1996.
OCT6 76.65 77.10 76.85 76.50 76.10 76.20
DEC6 76.85 77.80 77.90 76.75 76.75 76.79
MAR7 78.00 78.80 78.90 77.85 77.95 77.98
MAY7 78.70 79.50 79.60 78.40 78.40 78.54
JUL7 79.50 79.90 79.55 79.45 78.95 79.00
OCT7 79.90 78.60 78.73
DEC7 76.85 78.20 78.40 77.71 77.71 77.71
MAR8 79.00 78.50 78.55
MAY8 79.50 79.00 79.05
JUL8 79.75 79.20 79.25
NYCE cotton closes at lows as funds take profits
NEW YORK, Oct 3 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures gave up
recent gains and settled near the day's lows on light
profit-taking by the funds and some local selling, dealers
Improvements in the weather across the U.S. cotton belt
contributed to the day's losses, they added.
In West Texas, "warmer conditions will take hold over the
weekend and allow for late development to progress, as well as
early harvesting," said Smith Barney meteorologist Jon Davis.
But a tropical depression forming in the southern Gulf of
Mexico has begun to spook traders, and at least one floor
source said it could boost prices Friday.
Players remain cautious ahead of next week's U.S.
Department of Agriculture report, released October 11, as
volume was estimated to have reached only 6,500 lots.
The industry expects the U.S. crop estimate to stay around
last month's forecast of 17.9 million bales.
The December contract closed 0.96 lower at 76.79, having
ranged from 77.90 to 76.75. The deferred contracts finished
0.91 to 0.60 weaker.
Today's export and sales report failed to inspire prices
dispite a report suggesting brisk export demand. The U.S.
Department of Agriculture said put new sales at 144,900 480-lb
bales for the week ended Sept 26.
The U.S. Census Bureau put total imports for the season at
355,043 bales in data released Wednesday. The USDA pegged
imports at 500,000 bales in 1996/97.
041138 MET oct 96
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