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CIJENE BILJNIH ULJA NA TRŽIŠTU U VELIKOJ BRITANIJI Velika Britanija - SJEME 25. rujna 1996. ____________________________________________________________ SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni ruj lis/1polstu 2polstu/sij 224,00 226,00 219,00 REPINO SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni lis/pro sij/ožu tra/lip 209,00 214,00 215,00 _________________________________________________________ Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni _____________________________________________________________ ULJE OD ULJE OD ULJE OD CARGILL SOJINO REPINOG LANENOG LANENOG ULJE SJEMENA SJEMENA SJEMENA _____________________________________________________________ RUJ 383 392 - - LIS 384 393 - - STU/SIJ 396 405 - - VELJ/TRA 402 414 - - sojino ulje sirovovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u metalnim bačvama ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže _____________________________________________________________ Palm, soft oils close lower in Europe, laurics up LONDON, Sept 25 (Reuter) - Palm and soft oil prices drifted lower towards the close of business on the European vegetable oil market while lauric oils closed higher in thin trade. Lower-than-expected Malaysian export figures brought the palm oil rally of the last few days to a halt with crude palm oil unchanged to $2.50 lower and refined palm oil $2.50 to $10 down with no further business reported. Malaysian cargo surveyor Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) said it estimated local palm oil exports for September 1-25 at 528,150 tonnes compared with 537,175 in Aug 1-25. Soft oils closed with losses of around 0.50 guilders. "Chicago hasn't done much this afternoon so buyers lost interest," said a trader. In the lauric oil sector coconut oil saw a flurry of dealer trading during the afternoon which pushed sellers up by around $5 a tonne. Afloat coconut oil fetched $785 a tonne, while $740 and $742.50 was paid for Sep/Oct and $725 a tonne cif for Oct/Nov. Palmkernel oil finished $2.50 to $7.50 higher on a tradeless market. Informacije: Slavica Bocek telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148 261043 MET sep 96


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