U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 19. rujna 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 8,530 ( 1,713 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
74,56 centi (74,11 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 19. rujna 1996.
OCT6 74.25 73.90 74.90 73.85 74.25 74.25
DEC6 75.20 75.00 76.20 74.80 75.20 75.28
MAR7 76.40 76.00 77.20 76.00 76.40 76.40
MAY7 77.14 76.85 77.65 76.85 77.14 77.14
JUL7 77.60 77.50 77.95 77.50 77.60 77.60
OCT7 77.00 77.80 77.90
DEC7 77.20 76.90 77.60 76.90 77.20 77.20
MAR8 77.50 77.90 78.00
MAY8 78.00 78.40 78.50
JUL8 78.50 78.25 78.50 78.50 78.40 78.50
NYCE cotton ends up on exports, slips from highs
NEW YORK, Sept 19 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures finished
firmer on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's weekly export
and sales report, market sources said.
But speculative selling knocked prices off the highs by
the close. While the USDA reported healthy exports of 153,100
480-lb bales for the week ended Sept 12, news of soaring
imports squelched player enthusiasm later in the session.
U.S. Census Bureau reported weekly imports of 61,358 bales
and cumulative imports of 286,957 bales. The USDA estimated
imports at 500,000 bales in 1996/97.
Several dealers were not immediately aware of the numbers
as they are not widely publicized.
December closed up 0.83 at 75.28 cents a lb, having ranged
from 76.20 to 74.80. Spot-October ended 0.80 firmer at 74.25,
while the back months finished 0.90 to 0.55 firmer.
Volume was estimated at only 7,750 lots.
Weekend rain forecast for West Texas and the Delta, and
talk that the bulk of cotton harvested may not be tenderable,
lent early support to the market.
"But that is not extremely atypical for this time of
year," said Sharon Johnson, an analyst with Frank Schneider
and Co Inc.
"The question is whether that is indicative of the crop as
a whole. That remains to be seen."
201057 MET sep 96
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