U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 16. rujna 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 2,107 ( 1,524 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
75,91 centi (76,71 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 16. rujna 1996.
OCT6 74.50 74.90 75.40 74.27 74.45 74.48
DEC6 75.45 75.85 76.35 75.10 75.40 75.48
MAR7 76.65 76.90 77.35 76.32 76.55 76.60
MAY7 77.30 77.65 77.90 77.20 77.30 77.30
JUL7 77.70 78.20 78.20 77.70 77.85 77.88
OCT7 77.70 77.60 77.65
DEC7 76.65 77.00 77.00 76.65 76.65 76.65
MAR8 77.80 77.50 77.60
MAY8 78.30 78.00 78.10
JUL8 78.50 78.25 78.30
NYCE cotton ends slightly weaker, trade thin
NEW YORK, Sept 16 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures closed a
dull session barely weaker as players on both sides of the
market awaited confirmation of a handful of rumors, market
sources said.
Rain in Texas and the Delta could ultimately reduce both
output and quality of U.S. cotton, while infestation from the
white fly could cut output in Pakistan.
Also, a bumper crop in Egypt could contribute to lower
prices later this year, analysts said. Egypt's crop is
forecast at 350,000 tonnes compared with 260,000 tonnes last
year. Carryover stocks pegged at 40,000 tonnes could buoy
total supplies to 400,000 tonnes.
The government's decision last year to allow farmers to
export all types of cotton, coupled with a more recent
decision to let spinning companies import cotton, could
provide additional incentives to international buyers.
December finished 0.37 lower at 75.48 cents a lb, having
ranged from 76.35 to 75.10. Spot October ended off 0.32 at
74.48, while the back months finished 0.50 lower to 0.55
Volume was estimated at only 5,000 lots.
Resistance was maintained at 76.50, Friday's high, and
then between 78.00 and 79.00 basis December. Support was seen
at 74.50.
171131 MET sep 96
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