SAD - KAVA Trgovačke spot cijene 16. rujna 1996.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 5 cts under "C" 100.35 N
Colombian MAMs 26 cts over "C" 131.35 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 112.35 N
Mexican 4 cts under "C" 101.35 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 112.35 N
Peru 3 cents over "C" 108.35 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 4 cts over London 77.02 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts under London 71.02 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 93.35 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 16. rujna 1996.
SEP6 116.10 115.00 117.10 115.25 116.10 116.10 1
DEC6 105.25 104.25 106.80 103.80 105.00 105.35 1
MAR7 101.00 99.80 102.90 99.50 101.00 101.35 1
MAY7 101.00 99.90 102.50 99.90 101.00 101.00 1
JUL7 101.60 99.90 101.60 99.90 100.80 100.90 1
SEP7 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.80 100.90 1
DEC7 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 101.00 101.25 1
CSCE coffee ends a bit higher, awaits stock data
NEW YORK, Sept 16 (Reuter) -CSCE arabica coffee rose
slightly on Monday, as speculators squared short positions
acquired during the market's recent slump to one-month lows,
dealers said.
Prices see-sawed within a relatively small range
throughout the day, falling early on bearish open interest
data before bouncing back to session highs. But the momentum
reversed itself once again ahead of the close, as locals
abandoned long positions when the market failed to carve out
fresh upside territory.
"It was more a technical correction than anything else,"
said one trader.
Key December delivery rose 0.65 cent, to settle at 105.35
cents per lb, falling shy of key resistance at 106 cents.
Trades were posted from 106.80 to 103.80, with the balance of
the session spent in positive territory.
Spot September rose 0.85 to 116.10, padding its premium to
deferreds after moving in the opposite direction last week.
The latest CFTC Commitment of Traders report, which showed
a surprisingly small decline in the non-commercial long
position as of September 10, put pressure on coffee early in
the day, traders said.
Some dealers noted that while the CFTC data was initially
seen as bearish, views that heavy speculative selling late
last week wiped out a further chunk of the long position
diminished the report's impact.
While little fundamental news emerged on the day, traders
looked to key stock figures due out after 1500 EDT/1900 GMT.
The Green Coffee Association of New York is slated to release
monthly U.S. warehouse inventories, while the CSCE publishes
weekly certified stock numbers.
Dealers said the widely-watched GCA tally was likely to
show a decline in August of between 50,000 and 100,000 60-kg
bags, but most thought the number would have to fall well
outside that range to influence price direction.
The Exchange estimated today's turnover at 7,004 lots.
171131 MET sep 96
ZSE: Crobexi završili trgovanje u minusu od 2,6 posto prateći pad europskih burzi
Otvoren hrvatski vrtić u vojvođanskom selu Tavankutu
Maignan suspendiran jednu utakmicu zbog vrijeđanja suca
Izrael traži da se u sklopu produžetka prve faze sporazuma oslobodi što više talaca
Analitičari: Politička kriza produbljena presudom Dodiku smanjit će investicije u BiH
Trpi žestoke kritike: Vance negira da je uvrijedio Britaniju
Skupština Srbije poslije incidenata nastavila rad, oporba ometa sjednicu
Rusko gospodarstvo pokazuje znakove "hlađenja" - ministar ekonomskog razvoja
Najava događaja - sport - za srijedu, 5. ožujka
Predstojećeg vikenda u Vinkovcima se održavaju 20. Pčelarski dani