U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 05. rujna 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 979 ( 2,306 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
74,84 centi (76,76 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 05. rujna 1996.
OCT6 72.65 74.85 74.89 72.65 72.65 72.72
DEC6 73.60 75.50 75.62 73.60 73.60 73.64
MAR7 75.00 76.70 76.75 74.80 74.80 74.88
MAY7 75.90 77.30 77.35 75.70 75.70 75.73
JUL7 76.60 77.90 77.90 76.20 76.40 76.45
OCT7 77.50 77.50 77.50 77.50 76.25 76.38
DEC7 75.30 76.20 76.20 75.30 75.30 75.40
MAR8 76.75 77.00 76.80 76.75 76.30 76.40
MAY8 77.60 77.00 77.10
JUL8 78.00 77.00 77.15
NYCE cotton ends near lows, little support seen
NEW YORK, Sept 5 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures ended
lower amid a dearth of fundamental news to support the market
as a storm-backed price boost evaporated despite Hurricane
Fran's imminent arrival in the Carolinas.
Only a small percentage of the U.S. cotton crop is grown in
the Carolinas, traders noted.
Judy Ganes of Merrill Lynch said cotton prices would come
under further downward pressure, especially as harvesting
approached. "There is just isn't anything out there to support
the market. At some point the selling is a little over done
but I think we are still going to challenge the lows," Ganes
USDA said Thursday that high cotton prices triggered
another special quota permitting entry of 97.8 million pounds
of cotton, dampening market sentiment further, analysts said.
December cotton settled 1.98 cents down at 73.64 cents per
pound, just off the day's low of 73.60 cents.
Volume was heavy at an estimated 11,500 lots compared to
Wednesday's official 12,106 lots.
061108 MET sep 96
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