ZAGREB, Dec 31 (Hina) - "The greatest achievement of the Croatian
foreign policy in 1993 was the passage of UN Security Council
Resolution 871 which confirmed, like no previous resolution, the
territorial integrity of Croatia and its right to the UN Protected
Areas, and which linked sanctions against Serbia with the
settlement of the crisis in Croatia. At an internal level, this was
the Maslenica operation which restored links between northern and
southern Croatia, as well as the latest success of the Croatian
Government in curbing inflation," said Croatian President Franjo
Tudjman in a live broadcast on Croatian Television Thursday night.
The president also answered questions by TV viewers.
"In 1993 we did not manage to solve the key problem -
reintegration of occupied territories into the Croatian
constitutional and legal order. We failed because of overall
international circumstances, the ongoing crisis in former
Yugoslavia and the war in Bosnia. It is surprising to what extent
Europe, the United Nations and the United States were divided and
how disoriented they were in addressing the problems of Bosnia-
Herzegovina. That's why no solution has been found and why it is
still uncertain who will take the lead in solving that crisis" said
the President.
Asked whether the policy relative to the reintegration of Croatian
occupied territories could be different, President Tudjman replied
that such policy was the only correct one.
"Recently I have browsed through a book by General Kadijevic who
was the Yugoslav Federal Defence Minister before the war. He
clearly said that Belgrade planned to take Zagreb and Varazdin at
all costs, but it waited for a motive. Our orientation could not be
war only, as we were inferior militarily because the JNA (Yugoslav
People's Army) used to be the third or fourth power in Europe. A
policy of negotiations was the only possible policy. In that way we
saved entire Croatia from being destroyed," stressed President
"We have agreed that a quarter of Croatian territory will
temporarily be under UN protection, while our opponents have taken
on commitments on disarmament. This has not materialized because
the divided world community permitted Serbian aggression. Under
such circumstance we could not achieve more than we have," said the
Commenting on objections to his contacts with Serbian President
Slobodan Milosevic, President Tudjman said it was necessary to talk
to the opponent in order to achieve peace.
"We have made a firm decision to find a solution in a peaceful
way, assuring the Serb ethnic community all civil and ethnic rights
and territorial autonomy in two districts, Glina and Knin, in which
they are in the majority. The implementation of these principles
can only be a result of agreement with local Serb authorities but
also with Belgrade, which has supported annexation of those areas
to a greater Serbia and which is still using those Serbs as an
instrument of its policy.
Our view is that those areas be gradually and peacefully
integrated into Croatia's economic and legal system, but we have
made it clear that we will not tolerate a situation contrary to
Croatian interests for a long time. Should a political solution
turn out to be impossible, we would take military steps to liberate
every inch of Croatian land," he emphasized.
Asked whether there was a possibility of Serbia provoking another
war and attacking Croatia, President Tudjman said he thought such a
possibility did not exist.
311400 MET dec 93
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