SIROKI BRIJEG, Dec 29 (HABENA/Hina) - The Central Committee of
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) of Bosnia-Herzegovina on its
yesterday's session in Siroki Brijeg adopted the Political
Declaration. The Declaration says that HDZ represents "the most
important and almost the only political force of Croatian people in
Bosnia-Herzegovina" and it has a legitimate mandate to represent
political will of Croatian people.
The Declaration emphasize that "HDZ of B-H insists on providing
equality in legal status of Croats among the other nations in
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia (HR HB)
in union of republics in B-H". The Declaration also said that
"Mostar should remain an integral city as the capital of HR HB".
"HDZ is going to intercede in behalf of stopping the war,
political negotiations for protection of the rights of Croats and
rightful peace, insisting on cooperation with international
community... found on the last initiatives of European Union and
Croatian President Franjo Tudjman... HDZ considers that
unconditional implementation of international law of war, punishing
of war crimes, independently on who committed them, and free
passage of humanitarian aid whole B-H territory, are common and
inevitable obligations for all sides in Bosnian conflict", said the
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