ZAGREB, Dec 27 (Hina) - Croatian Parliamentary Committee for Human
Rights and the Rights of Ethnic and National Communities, or the
Minorities discussed their work in the last two months. The
President of the Committee Dr.Ljubomir Antic said that the
Committee was especially active in connection with the problem of
the disappeared persons and the problem of the flats owned by the
former Yu-Army, the children's rights as they intend to work on the
drafts for the legislation concerning the rights of the child.
The Committee did not agree to include into the agenda the
proposal by the Croatian Socio-Liberal Party (HSLS) on UNPROFOR's
mandate as Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) members demanded that
the proposal be first discussed at the HDZ Club. The carrier of the
proposal Dr.Goran Granic stressed that the within the global
resolutions of the problem of the war in the former Yugoslavia the
Croatian issue keeps remaining aside, and that it is necessary to
constantly keep reminding everybody that Serbia is the aggressor,
that UNPROFOR did not fulfill its task and that the violence,
crimes and evictions continue in the UN protected areas (UNPAs).
The Committee did not accept the proposal by the member of the
Serbian National Party Veselin Pejnovic asking for the condemnation
of destroying of the Orthodox Church building in Karlovac and the
members of the Committee warned that the Committee did not issue
any similar statement on the destruction of hundreds of sacral
structures during the Serbian aggression on Croatia.
271742 MET dec 93
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