ZADAR, Nov 26 (Hina) - Serbian terrorists fired more than ten artillery
shells of various caliber on Kasic in Zadar area and at defense
positions of Croatian Army on Mount Velebit Friday morning, the local
Croatian Army Command reported.
Serbian attacks in the Zadar area were also registered Thursday
evening, that went on until 22:30 hours. A few howitzer shells were
fired at village of Prkos, while mortar fire was directed at Stankovac
area. Artillery shells were also fired at the village Vinterinci and
anti-aircraft machine gun fire was opened to Bila Vlaka.
The Croatian side lodged a protest with UNPROFOR because of these
attacks in which great material damages were made, but there were no any
Last night at Sibenik battlefield was calm. The last Serbian anti-
aircraft gun attacks in the region of Sinj and Drnis were registered at
about 18:30 hours on Thursday afternoon.
261109 MET nov 93
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