Zagreb, Nov 15 (Hina) - UNPROFOR's Head of Civil Affairs, Cedric
Thornberry, described as "encouraging" assurances from the Croatian
Government that its Special Police Forces had begun a complete withdrawal
from Sector West, said UNPROFOR spokeswoman Shannon Boyd on Monday.
The UN Force Commander, General Jean Cot, Cedric Thornberry and the Sector
West commander, Brigadier-General Kamal Shabsough had been given
preliminary assurances at a November 11 meeting with Croatian Interior
Minister Ivan Jarnjak.
Brigadier-General Shabsough reported last night that Croatian Special
Police Forces - 76 persons in all - had withdrawn from the area of Masicka
Sagovina and Sirinci by 20:30 and 21:30 hours respectively. They had been
escorted by the units of the Nepalese Battalion to the Croatian Police
Station at Cernik, about four kilometres outside the eastern border of
Sector West. A Croatian police vehicle carrying heavy equipment was also
escorted out of the UN Protected Area.
UNPROFOR has been carrying out cease-fire negotiations and pursuing other
initiatives in each of the four Sectors in recent weeks as part of its
step-by-step approach towards an overall cease-fire agreement, said the
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