MOSTAR, Nov 9 (Hina) - In connection with a statement made by a UNHCR
spokesperson that Ivica Raic, commander of the Croatian Defence Council
(HVO) in Vitez, forbade UNHCR to work in Kiseljak, Col. Raic said on
Tuesday that he had never made such a statement.
Raic said that the subject of yesterday's talks with Mr Jensen, in charge
of cooperation with civil authorities, was the promotion of humanitarian
operations. Raic went on to say that his remarks were directed at the
behaviour of UNPROFOR, those including the evacuation of the Moslems from
Kiseljak to Zenica, unauthorized entrance into some villages and
transportation of draft-age civilians.
"We have made it clear that we will not tolerate it and that we expect
from UNHCR and other international organizations active in the area to do
what they have the authority to.
We have offered military and civil police escort for humanitarian convoys.
Mark A. De Gulio walked away from the meeting after hearing the remarks.
Then I said: Help us or leave us, and if you do not want to help, someone
else will," said Col. Raic. He concluded by saying that Mr Jensen visited
the president of the HVO today and apologized for the behaviour of Mark A.
De Gulio.
092254 MET nov 93
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