ZAGREB, Nov 6 (Hina) - Representatives of the Russian Embassy to
the Republic of Croatia held a press conference on Saturday at
which they spoke of an incident which occurred on All Saints' Day
at a checkpoint on the so-called Pacetine road.
The public relations official and second secretary in the
Russian Embassy, Aleksandar Ivanov, said that the day before All
Saints' Day head of the Osijek County Branimir Glavas had
forwarded a letter to the Sector East Commander, General Pierre
Peeters of Belgium, proposing that All Saints' Day be observed in
two places - at the line of disengagement between Osijek and
Bilje, controlled by Belgian peace-keepers, and at the line
Osijek-Nustar-Marinici, controlled by the Russian Battalion.
Since the Osijek-Bilje road was mined, chosen was the
Nustar-Brsadin road, said the Russian Embassy spokesman. It was
agreed that a group of 200 people would lay wreaths and light
candles at the destroyed bridge over the River Vuka but that the
bridge must not be crossed, said Ivanov. He explained that the
checkpoint manned by members of the UNPROFOR Russian Battalion
was 500 metres from the bridge and that the area between the
bridge and the checkpoint was forbidden.
"There were about 250 people at the bridge, and not thousands of
them as newspapers wrote," stressed Ivanov. He said that a group
of people, without previous agreement, started to cross the
bridge, and that they were accompanied by some armed men.
According to Ivanov, three Russian soldiers who were to supervise
the event tried to explain to the people that it was dangerous
and contrary to the agreement. "There were curses at the expense
of our soldiers, and the people continued towards our
checkpoint," he said, adding that half an hour later the Russians
blocked the way with an armoured vehicle warning them that it was
dangerous to walk around for the area was mined.
"We tried to explain, but the armed men called on the people to
go all the way to Vukovar and other towns in Sector East so that
our officer, Lt. Trafimov, was forced to fire two warning shots
in the air," said Ivanov. After the arrival of the commander of
the Russian Battalion, Col. Sergei Voznyesensky, it was agreed
that a group of women go a little farther, but not all the way to
the checkpoint, and light candles and lay wreaths. "They did
that, thanked Col. Voznyesensky, and one of the women even gave
him a cross," said Ivanov.
Ivanov expressed dissatisfaction that the Croatian Army had not
taken more concrete measures to stop possible incidents.
"We express our indignation that on this holy day to the
Croatian people such an incident should happen in the area under
the control of the Russian Battalion which has done everything to
prevent it," said Ivanov. He voiced particular indignation at
the fact that the Croatian media "tried to take advantage of the
incident to denigrate the Russian soldiers."
Ivanov quoted the Sector East Commander, General Peeters, as
saying that the steps taken by the Russian soldiers had been in
keeping with the previously achieved agreement, and said that he
had lodged a protest with Branimir Glavas.
When Hina asked about the incident on the day it occurred, the
UNPROFOR office in Zagreb had no information on it.
It was announced that the Russian Battalion Commander, Col.
Voznyesensky, would also attened the press conference today, but,
as the Russian Embassy officials said, the UNPROFOR Headquarters
did not give him clearance.
(END) vm
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