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HDZ chief says parl. EU affairs committee chair should be from Opposition

ZAGREB, Jan 12 (Hina) - Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) President Jadranka Kosor has criticised the intention of the ruling majority to have their representative as the head of a new parliamentary committee on European affairs, adding that her party, which is the strongest Opposition party, would insist on Opposition representative being at the helm of the said committee which would replace the previous parliamentary National Committee on monitoring Croatia's European Union negotiations. Kosor recalled that an Opposition official used to chair the national committee.

"Unfortunately the ruling coalition has decided that this place (the EU committee's chair) belongs to them which I deem to be bad. We have talked about that and we will continue to talk on that," Kosor said on Thursday in parliament after meetings on the distribution of chairmanships of parliamentary bodies and committees.

It is a fact that the EU accession negotiations were finalised, that the Croatia-EU accession treaty was signed and that the date for Croatia's EU entry is set for 1 July 2013, however there is still much work to do, she said.

The government and all of us will have to continue doing much work and it is necessary and important that this committee in the parliament may watch the government's moves and monitor what the government is doing, Kosor said adding that some moves already made by the new government had annulled some of the results of the negotiations and the abidance by the EU acquis which Croatia has undertaken.

The HDZ leader expressed hope that by Monday, when a new meeting on the distribution of positions in the parliament will be held, the governing majority and the Opposition would reach agreement.

Asked by reporters to comment on the dissatisfaction by the HDZ over who would chair the future EU affairs committee, Social Democrat (SDP) parliamentarian Igor Dragovan said Croatia was practically an EU member and the tasks of the committee would be to define guidelines for Croatian ministers on (EU) ministerial councils which he said was a policy of the government and the governing coalition.

Therefore, it is very clear why that committee and the committee's chair should come from the ruling majority," Dragovan said.


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