ZAGREB, Dec 2, (Hina)- UNPROFOR strongly reaffirmed its continued
close cooperation with NATO, an UNPROFOR statement released today
As a result of Security Council Resolutions 781 and 816 all
flights over Bosnia-Herzegovina are banned under a "no-fly zone"
enforced by NATO, the statement said.
While there have been operational discussions with NATO on a
continuing basis, there has been no United Nations request to
suspend the enforcement of the "no-fly zone" over Bosnia-
NATO and UNPROFOR have consulted closely on the dangers posed
by the recent deployment of Bosnian Serb ground-to-air missiles,
which directly endanger NATO and UN flights and impede the
humanitarian airlift into Sarajevo.
The United Nations recognises the invaluable support NATO
provides for the protection of its peace-keepers on the ground and
for the successful fulfillment of its mandate in the former
UNPROFOR has no intention of requesting a suspension of NATO's
activities with regard to the "no-fly zone" over Bosnia-
(Hina) sd as
022207 MET dec 94
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