ZAGREB, Dec 2 (Hina) - The International Conference on the Former
Yugoslavia (ICFY) co-chairmen, Lord David Owen and Thorvald
Stoltenberg, and General Pierre Peeters, sent a letter on 2
December 1994 to Borislav Mikelic, the head of the Serb delegation
from UNPA. The letter reads:
"We are writing to you about how UNPROFOR will conduct itself
under the Agreement.
Whenever it is forseen in this Agreement that UNPROFOR is to
carry out certain tasks, it is understood that UNPROFOR is
requested by all concerned to carry out those tasks to the best of
its abilities and within its available resources and mandate, and
that all concerned will extend their utmost cooperation to UNPROFOR
in carrying out such tasks.
In UNPA West there will be no checkpoints on the highway.
Instead there will be joint patrolling of the highway by UNPROFOR
vehicles accompained by one person from your police.
UNPROFOR is not permitted at this stage to let goods pass
through the UNPAs originating from, or destined to, the territory
of the FRY (Serbia and Montenegro) or territory controlled by the
Bosnian Serbs and therefore at the two checkpoints within UNPA East
your police will be asked to provide assistance and to work
alongside UNPROFOR. Control will however have to be exercised by
UNPROFOR in order to ensure compliance with this Agreement.
If you decide to establish a bus service between UNPAs Sector
West and East or along other parts of the highway covered by this
Agreement UNPROFOR/ECMM will be present on these buses, if
requested," the letter concludes.
D. Owen
T. Stoltenberg
P. Peeters
Witnessed by:
P. Galbraith
L. Kerestedzhiyants
(Hina) mm mar ks
021359 MET dec 94
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