NEW YORK, Nov 7, (Hina) - Croatia's ambassador to the UN, Mario
Nobilo, today sent a letter to UN secretary general Boutros
Boutros-Ghali protesting against the Bosnian Serbs' latest attack
on the eastern Croatian town of Zupanja.
Nobilo said that on November 6 Bosnian Serb paramilitary
forces launched a combined missile and artillery attack on Zupanja
and its surroundings, firing a total 30 missiles and four artillery
Nobilo reminded Ghali of earlier protests against similar
attacks on Zupanja.
"My Government has emphasised that it considers the
continuation of the present situation as a threat to the security
and territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia," Nobilo
"The ongoing peace process and stability in the wider region
are seriously jeopardised by such acts of aggression by the Bosnian
Serbs, this series of events must not be allowed to continue
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071913 MET nov 94
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