ZOVIK, Apr 21 (Hina) - The present Bosnian Serb offensive on the
free Brcko zone in north-eastern Bosnia is one of the severest so
far, said the local Croatian Defence Council (HVO) command.
The offensive started on 11 April. Only in the last seven
days, Serb guerrillas have fired over 15,000 projectiles on the
Boderiste area, a narrow stretch of land in the eastern part of the
front, and have attempted at least twenty infantry advances. Only
on 14 April, Serb infantry tried to break through the lines of
defence surrounding Brodariste on eight occasions.
Boderiste is a vital strategic point in the area which
dominates both the Serb-occupied territory and the Brcko free zone.
By seizing Boderiste, the Serbs would cut off humanitarian lines
and HVO logistic supply lines, gain control of important high-
voltage power lines, and aggravate the position of several HVO and
Bosnian army brigades.
The fertile Brcko area, which had a 20-percent Serb population
before the war, is vital to Serb forces as they want to expand a
corridor linking Serbia with occupied parts of Croatia and improve
logistic support.
The offensive is led personally by Bosnian Serb army chief-of-
staff Gen. Manojlo Milovanovic. Senior Serb officials such as dyed-
in-the-wool hardliner Biljana Plavsic (Karadzic's close
collaborator) often visit the area to boost the morale of the
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