SPLIT, March 5 (Hina) - UNPROFOR has set up a new command centre in
Gornji Vakuf for Sector South-West in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is
to cover central and southern Bosnia. Commander of the British
UNPROFOR battalion Brigadier Gen. John Reith has been appointed
Commander of Sector South-West.
"We had decided some time ago to set up a new command centre
answerable to the UNPROFOR Command in Bosnia-Herzegovina. We
started implementing that decision as soon as Generals Roso and
Delic signed a cease-fire agreement," Gen. Reith told Hina on
The command is currently staffed by 28 officers. The full
staff will consist of 150 officers, clerks and technical staff
members, nationals of one of the four countries whose battalions
are stationed in Sector South-West - Britain, Canada, Spain and
Malesia, Gen. Reith specified.
Military observers deployed in Sector South-West also include
Irishmen, Russians and Swedes, Gen. Reith added.
General John Reith said he was a "moderate optimist" with
regard to the observance of the cease-fire agreement.
Gen. Reith is also the chairman of the joint Commitee on the
implementation of the Roso-Delic agreement, which has met three
times since Feb 27.
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