ZAGREB, Feb 17 (Hina) - Croatian President Dr. Franjo Tudjman sent
the letter to Kent Schiner, President of the largest Jewish
organization in the world B'nai B'rith.
President Tudjman's letter was delivered to Mr. Schiner by
minister-adviser of Croatian Embassy in Washington Kresimir Cosic
on February 14.
The letter says:
"Dear Mr. Schiner,
In the early eighties, I wrote a broad treatise on the history
of evil and violence, which I entitled Wastelands of Historical
Reality. At that time, I was not allowed to publish any of my
writings, as I had been a political prisoner and critic of the
government. It was only when the former Yugoslavia began to
disintegrate, Communist society collapsed, new democracies were
established, and the republics became independent, that I was able
to publish it, this time as the President of the first
internationally recognized Republic of Croatia.
Wastelands of Historical Reality has, since its publication in
1989, evoked strong and unfortunately negative reactions from some
Jewish people around the world. This reaction has affected me
deeply and has caused me to re-examine my statements and to re-
evaluate those parts of the book in Which I cited documents and
personal views of some writer or participant.
Since the publication of Wastelands of Historical Reality
approximately four years ago, I have had the opportunity, or better
yet, I have actively sought to become more intimately informed
about and involved in the Croatian and world Jewish community so
that I might gain a broader and better perspective on its needs,
its culture and history, its hopes and fears. This sustained
contact has led to a different perspective on my part from that
which I might have had years ago, at a time when I was writing the
book as a prosecuted dissident. I admire the Jewish people
immensely, and I admire their strength and their struggle, not
unlike that of the Croatian nation, for independence and freedom.
It is in terms of my evolving relationship with and increased
understanding of the Jewish people that I now realize the
hurtfulness of certain of the portions of this book and the
misunderstanding they have caused. For this I offer an apology,
both as the President of a newly independent state which wishes to
forge a firm and enduring friendship with the Jewish people, and as
a human being who desires to make amends in furtherance of such a
I have decided, therefore, that these controversial portions
will be deleted from my book, which is due to be published soon in
the English language. This refers in particular to those
formulations which I now hold to be inappropriate, either because
they exhibited a lack of sensitivity, were based on sources that
later proved unreliable, or because their cumulative effect
suggested a bias toward the Jewish people which was never my
intention. At the same time I will continue, as I have since the
assumption of my duties as the President of the Republic of
Croatia, to comprehensively address the needs of the Croatian
Jewish community and to work toward an ever better understanding
between the Jewish communities and the Republic of Croatia.
My reason for addressing this letter to B'nai B'rith, the
largest Jewish organization in the world, is that its input has
been most positive regarding the resolution of this issue and, at
the same time, it is in a position to effectively convey this
message to world Jewry."
171138 MET feb 94
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