SARAJEVO, Feb 7 (Hina) - A meeting of Bosnian Croats which began in
Sarajevo Sunday was welcomed by senior Moslem-led Bosnian
Government officials. Describing this "Congress of the Croats of
Bosnia-Herzegovina" as "historical," they called on the
participants to help preserve the state which is home to Croats,
Moslems and Serbs alike, denying allegations that they (the Moslem
government) were aiming to establish an Islamic state under the
cloak of a civil state. They pledged their support to the Congress.
On behalf of Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic, the meeting was
addressed by Presidency member Ejup Ganic. The meeting was also
welcomed by representatives of the Croatian communities in Chicago
and Toronto. Telegrams of support by Ivan Supek, President of the
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Bernard Luketich,
President of the Croatian Fraternal Union in the United States,
were also read.
The inaugural address was held by the leader of the Croatian
Peasant Party in Bosnia-Herzegovina and member of the Bosnian
Presidency, Ivo Komsic. Invoking the 1990 election and the 1992
referendum, Komsic expounded a political platform he believed could
lead to a breakthrough in peace negotiations. The platform is based
on the return of refugees to their homes, territorial integrity,
decentralisation, sovereignty of the constituent nations through
government bodies and rejection of national states within Bosnia-
Herzegovina. He propounded that the state of Bosnia-Herzegovina
should be founded on three or four levels of government. Komsic's
proposal includes the lifting of sanctions against Serbia and
Montenegro, depending on the process of implementing the peace
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