ORASJE, Feb 6 (Hina/HABENA) - The Serbian aggressors' forces
carried out armed provocations at the defence lines of the Croatian
Defence Council (HVO) on the Orasje-Samac battlefield (the Bosnian
Posavina, northern Bosnia). More intensive small arms fire of the
enemy troops was registered from the direction of the occupied
villages of Jenjici, Batkusa and Obudovac on Sunday afternoon,
according to a report of the local HVO command transmitted by the
Herzeg-Bosnia's News Agency (HABENA).
The Serbian aggressors' formations, located in Jenjici,
Lepnice opened occasional anti-aircraft weaponry fire along the
confrontation line on the Orasje-Samac battlefield last night,
whereas the outskirts of the village of Vidovice came under
sporadic mortar fire originating from the enemy positions in Covic
Polje on Saturday night, said the same source. The Serbian
terrorists, located in Loncari, fired three cannon projectiles at
the HVO defence lines just before 19:00 hrs Saturday, said the same
061748 MET feb 94
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