ZADAR, Jan 6 (Hina) - Serb terrorists attacked Croatian defence
positions on the Zadar-Biograd battlefield yesterday. They fired
about 20 mortar shells at Novigrad, Paljuv, Suhovare, Zemunik Donji
and Pristeg, said the Croatian Army in Split on Thursday morning.
Serb terrorists opened anti-aircraft cannon fire towards Croatian
defence positions two times on Wednesday night.
Extensive material damage but no casualties were reported.
The attacks ceased after 23:00 hours.
It was calm on the Sibenik-Drnis part of the battlefield on
Wednesday night. The enemy opened anti-aircraft cannon fire at
Damjanici, the Sinj-Drnis battlefield, at about 17:00 hours.
Kusetici, Cavoglave, Umljanovici and the source of the Cikola river
were pounded with anti-aircraft cannons and machine-guns. The
attacks on the Sinj-Drnis battlefield ceased at about 20:30 hours.
The Croatian side protested with UNPROFOR because of the attacks.
061052 MET jan 94
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