BELGRADE, May 11 (Hina) - The US Treasury Department published a
list of physical and legal persons from the so-called Republic of
Serb Krajina and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia whose assets
had been frozen as of April 13 or were to be frozen if they came
under the jurisdiction of American authorities, the independent
Belgrade-based news agency Beta reported.
The list of names was approved on March 29 by the head of the
Office for control of foreign assets, Richard Newcomb, and the
document was submitted to Congress.
The list contains the names of Radovan Karadzic, Nikola
Koljevic, Biljana Plavsic, Momcilo Krajisnik, Aleksa Buha, Jovan
Zametica, Dragan Kalinic and many others, specifying them as self-
proclaimed Serb officials.
A list of members of military and paramilitary forces contains
the names of Ratko Mladic, Manojlo Milovanovic, Milan Gvero and
A 28-page list contains the names of all companies and
businessmen representing Serbia and Montenegro.
The list contains the former Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), all
major companies and their branches on Cyprus, Malta, in Eastern and
Western Europe, Yugoslav Air Transport (JAT), Yugoslav Railways,
Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Administration, a chain of
companies and banks owned by the Karic brothers, almost all banks
and the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug.
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