ZAGREB, May 7 (Hina) - The Union of Croatian War Volunteers today
ended its third congress with the re-election of Tomislav Mercep
as its president.
The congress was also attended by senior government
officials, delegates and guests from the country and abroad.
Defence Minister Gojko Susak said that Croatia was
criticized over its military action in western Slavnonia.
"Today we're telling the world that this is our homeland,
and that we are able, ready and equipped to liberate it," Susak
said, adding that victors never retreated but always went
Susak called on the volunteers to organize themselves even
better and to have confidence in the government.
Parliament deputy speaker Vladimir Seks pledged
parliamentary support to the volunteers in meeting their
justified demands. He proposed that the next congress be held in
the liberated Vukovar.
Mercep said that the Union demanded that the government and
the President of the Republic ensure employment of the volunteers
in important state bodies, including the National Security
Office, security information services and the media. They also
called on the government to grant them loans to solve their
housing problems and help them join the process of the Croatian
economic renewal.
The Union today adopted a new statute and new symbols and
elected a new presidency.
(hina) vm
071845 MET may 95
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