SARAJEVO, May 7 (Hina) - Several strong detonations echoed in
Sarajevo overnight, but UN officials described the situation in
Bosnia's capital as rather calm.
Three explosions rocked the confrontation lines between Serb-
occupied suburb 'Grbavica' and the unoccupied part of the city at
about the midnight.
An explosion of mortar round echoed in Sarajevo's 'Stari Grad'
municipality at 08:30 am Sunday.
Serb aggressors opened machine-gun fire at the road via Mount
Igman overnight.
Serbs situated in Donji Kotorac inside the heavy arms
exclusion zone around Sarajevo, fired ten mortar rounds yesterday.
UN radars registered the source of the rounds, but could not find
out the targets of the Serb shelling.
No casualties have been reported in Sarajevo in the last 24
hours according to UN military observers'' reports.
The detained five workers of "Pharmaciens Sans Frontier",
whose release was announced by Serbs on Saturday, are still at Serb
prison in the Lukavica military barracks.
UN officials could not know why the liberation of the
humanitarian works has been postponed. Since the workers are
members of non-governmental relief agencies, UN officials are not
authorized to ask for them.
According to some sources, the action of realise of the five
humanitarian workers is being conducted through the mediation of
the French Embassy in Sarajevo.
(hina) mms
071247 MET may 95
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