NEW YORK, March 29 (Hina) - On Wednesday UN Security Council (UN
SC) began unofficial consultation on the new mandate of UN in
Croatian Ambassador to the UN, Mario Nobilo, met the Contact
Group member-states' ambassadors to the UN SC earlier today, and
handed to them Croatian amendments to the draft resolution.
Croatia insists that the title of the new UN mandate contain
the word "Croatia", and it also requires that the mechanisms for
the control of its borders be more efficient and that all relevant
UN SC resolutions be carried out.
Croatia holds that local Serb authorities cannot be placed on
equal footing in negotiations. It demands that the static action of
keeping peace should be converted in an active process of
reintegration of occupied Croatian areas.
Croatian diplomats at the UN are to meet representatives of
countries troops of which are included in UN forces in Croatia to
discuss the contents and tasks of future forces in Croatia.
Texts of the final draft resolutions on the new UN mandate in
Croatia, on the extension of the current UN mandates in Bosnia and
Macedonia can be expected to be done late Wednesday evening
(according to New York local time), British Ambassador to the UN
headquarters, David Hanney, said on Wednesday.
Hanney said there were one or two unsolved issues in the
resolution on Croatia, but he declined to disclose them. He added
that the consultation at UN Security Council would deal with them
on Wednesday afternoon.
The resolutions might be adopted on Thursday, he said.
The final decision on the titles of the three mandates had not
been made yet, he added.
(hina) mar mms
292045 MET mar 95
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