VUKOVAR, Dec 3 (Hina) - Croatia's President Franjo Tudjman gave a
statement following Tuesday's talks with General Klein and local
Serb representatives in Vukovar stressing that his "arrival as
Croatia's President in Vukovar, under agreement with the
Transitional Administrator General Klein, is a sign and proof that
the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danubian area into the
constitutional and legal system of the Republic of Croatia is on
the right path and progressing well."
Adding that he had flown above the Croatian border along the
Danube, President Tudjman said that not only he had been at the
Croatian border along the Danube but also Croatian customs
officials were there as of today within the UNTAES.
Commenting on the talks with local Serb representatives,
Tudjman described them as encouraging. He added that the talks
indicated that more and more members of the Serb population had
become aware that it was in their interest to accept Croatia as
their homeland in order to exercise all civic and ethnic rights
guaranteed by the Croatian Constitution and which the democratic
Croatia in cooperation with international community is ready to
Asked to comment on his impressions from today's visit to
Vukovar President Tudjman said: "I was in Vukovar the last time at
the end of July 1991 when Vukovar was under some kind of siege, and
I came there with a small group of soldiers. Although I have known
how much Vukovar was destroyed, the Hiroshima-style devastation man
can see there makes clearly a special impression. But, it leads to
a conclusion that such circumstances were created also by the
generally complex international situation which wanted to maintain
Yugoslavia at all costs and to prevent the creation of the
democratic independent Croatia and that they were also the result
of the irrational imperialistic politics of Serbian imperialists,
state that should be soon overcome."
"All of us who are normal people both at the Croatian and the
Serb side must contribute to the normalization of relations among
Croatia and Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the
interest of the Croatian nation and the Serb population, and
contribute to the creation of a new international order in this
part of Europe which is in the general interest not only of our
nation. In this sense my arrival today make me firmer in belief
that it is necessary that we achieve this soon," he stressed.
Asked whether his arrival as the Croatian statesman in the
Croatian Vukovar could mean the beginning of the return of 80,000
Croatian displaced people Tudjman positively answered:" It does
mean, understandably."
Adding that Croatian people were already coming back to the
Sirmium triangle Tudjman said that all would be able to return
following the establishment of the Croatian constitutional and
legal system after the elections.
"We will hold the elections soon, as I have earlier agreed
with General Klein. My arrival here is a sign for the Croatian
displaced people to return and they will return. This is also a
sign for the Serb population that it is time for them to opt for
the Croatian state. I have come with several Croatian officials,
and I shall bring the entire Croatia into the Croatian Danubian
area soon after the establishment of the constitutional and legal
system of the Republic of Croatia in the area," he stressed.
(hina) mm mš
031835 MET dec 96
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