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6 IT IS POSSIBLE TO HOLD ELECTIONS AND WITHDRAW UNTAES TROOPS BY 15 JULY - SUSAK ZAGREB, Nov 26 (Hina) - Croatian Defense Minister Gojko Susak, Lieutenant General Kresimir Cosic and Major General Ivan Kapular on Tuesday visited the
Croatian Danubian area (under UNTAES control). On that occasion, he visited Vukovar, Djeletovci, Klisa and Beli Manastir. Upon his return to Zagreb, he told the Croatian Television that he had returned from the Croatian Danubian area truly satisfied with what he had seen and with the progress that had been accomplished so far. "If someone had told me three, four years ago, or even a year ago, that this (the visit to the occupied area) would happen this way, I would not have believed him," Susak said. He added that he would like especially to congratulate General Klein and General Schoups for everything they had done so far. "They will have the Croatian government's support, I hope more than they had so far. At the same time, I hope that organs (of autho