ZAGREB, Nov 22 (Hina) - Yugoslavia has handed over to Croatia 20
forensic files for identification of Croats killed in the eastern
town of Vukovar in 1991 and pledged to deliver "very quickly"
information on 11 missing persons Croatia claims are living in
Yugoslavia, representatives of the two countries said at the end of
two-day negotiations in Zagreb on Friday.
Major Ivan Grujic, head of the Croatian delegation, recalled
that the Yugoslav side had so far provided a list of 1,150 people
killed on whom the Army Medical Centre in Belgrade had forensic
The two side were yet to harmonize their views on whether the
first 20 files Yugoslavia delivered could help in the
identification of victims and in shedding more light on the fates
of missing perons.
All the 1,150 people from the list were buried at Vukovar's
Dubrava cemetery, locally called the Bulgarian cemetery, which the
Croatian side had partly reconstructed on the basis of other data,
Grujic said.
As soon as the Yugoslav side fulfilled the pledge it gave
today and provided other forensic files, it would be possible to
fully reconstruct the "Bulgarian cemetery" and find out who were
the victims buried there, he added.
Grujic reiterated that the Croatian commission would continue
to insist that the Yugoslav side deliver all 1,400 forensic files
on Vukovar victims kept at the Army Medical Centre in Belgrade.
The head of the Yugoslav delegation, Pavle Todorovic, said
that he heard of press reports saying there were 1,400 files but
that the Yugoslav commission had documents only on 1,105 persons
and that it was willing to hand them over.
Todorovic said that the difference between press and official
reports could be explained by the fact that some of the remaining
people killed were soldiers of the former Yugoslav army.
The two officials did not explain why one spoke of 1,150
victims and the other of 1,105.
They agreed that the next meeting, due to take place within
the next 30 days in Belgrade, should focus on missing persons in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Representatives of Bosnia-Herzegovina were
expected to attend the meeting.
Grujic said that the Croatian side did not know at the moment
whether any of the missing persons it had been looking for were
living in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
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221841 MET nov 96
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