ROME, Nov 16 (Hina) - Following are some highlights from Croatian
Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa's speech at a FAP (Food and
Agriculture Organisation) session in Rome on Saturday.
"Croatia has wide experience with refugees and the problem of
hunger; even now, every tenth citizen is a refugee," Matesa said,
adding that Croatia currently provided a living for 420,000
"The largest part of Croatia's most fertile area is still
occupied and its reintegration into the Croatian economic and legal
system is progressing too slowly," he said.
"Croatia has had wide experience in agriculture and the
Croatian Government attaches great importance to the development of
this sector. In cooperation with international organisations such
as FAO and some others, Croatia has elaborated a strategy for the
development of agriculture. In this respect, great attention is
paid to the development of family farms," Matesa said.
Concerning food production worldwide, Matesa stressed the need
to incorporate environmental concerns into agriculture development
plans. Croatia supported the Rome Declaration on Food and the Plan
of Action adopted at this session, whose implementation is expected
to reduce the number of starving people by 400 million till 2015.
(hina) as
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