LONDON, Nov 13 (Hina) - Croatia's Tourism Minister Niko Bulic, on
Wednesday held a press conference at the London "World Travel
Market" tourism fair. Minister Bulic spoke of improved conditions
for the development in Croatia's tourism, after his country had
regained full control over communications and restored traffic
links with other countries.
Bulic stressed that Croatia would record about 22 million
room/nights this year. There were only 26,000 tourists from Great
Britain in Croatia this year. However, the Croatian Tourism
Ministry anticipates that a number of British guests will be
doubled next year.
The Croatian Ministry was willing to subsidize the British
market with about three million pounds (about 25 million kunas), in
order to give a special incentive to the return of a larger number
of British tourists to Croatia, Bulic said.
(hina) jn mš
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