ZAGREB, Nov 5 (Hina) - The Croatian National Theatre (HNK) in
Zagreb received a donation worth 35,000 kunas (about 10,000 German
marks) from the multinational concern Siemens AG.
At a ceremony in the Esplanade Hotel on Tuesday, Mr. Folker W.
Tannenberg, a member of the Croatian Koncar firm's auditing board
and of the Siemens board of directors, delivered the gift to the
Theatre for a ceremonial performance of the Carmen opera, due to be
on November 16. The ceremonial performance of the most popular
opera of George Bizet will be held to mark the 35th anniversary of
the artistic work of Croatia's prima donna, Ruza Pospis-Baldani.
Receiving the gift, Croatia's famous opera singer Mrs. Ruza
Pospis-Baldani thanked to the Siemens concern, Vienna and Zagreb.
She also voiced gratitude on behalf of the HNK theatre.
A deputy to the HNK theatre manager, Ms. Jasna Jakovljevic
also thanked to the Siemens' representative, and presented him with
a painting "Hommage Asiemense" by Dimitrije Popovic.
Germany's Ambassador to Croatia, Volker Haak, and the Koncar
general director Vjekoslav Srb also attended the ceremony in the
(hina) mš
052301 MET nov 96
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