ZAGREB, Sept 24 (Hina) - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) on
Tuesday described a statement by six opposition parties on the
power crisis in Zagreb as an ultimatum and an inconsistent and
politically contradictory act.
"Announcements of an extraparliamentary struggle and the
attitude of opposition parties and their leaders towards HDZ can
only be interpreted as an attempt to provoke internal political
problems and evade an agreement among parties," the president of
HDZ's Zagreb branch, Zlatko Canjuga, told a news conference.
Canjuga said that HDZ deputies to the Zagreb City Council
would put forward new proposals for resolving the power crisis in
the capital.
The six-party opposition alliance released a statement on
Sunday demanding that the President of the Republic, the Government
and Parliament intervene in line with their powers to resolve the
"Of HDZ as the ruling party, we demand that it corrects its
behaviour, which makes the denouement of the crisis impossible, or
that it accepts the holding of new elections in a short time", the
statement said.
If within ten days they did not receive a satisfactory answer,
councilors of the Zagreb City Assembly and the Zagreb County
Assembly would freeze their activities, thus refusing to take part
in the further prolongation of the crisis.
Party representatives who signed the statement would propose
to the Parliament to issue a document which would terminate the
political crisis in Zagreb, the statement said, adding that if HDZ
made that impossible, the opposition alliance "will know how to
answer that in the right way".
The HDZ would have nothing against discussing the Zagreb city
crisis in the Croatian Parliament if it would contribute to a more
responsible behaviour of parties, were such a thing impossible at
the city level, and would try to open a new, more tolerant round of
negotiations, Canjuga said.
Canjuga estimated that a solution could easier be found in
separate talks with parties.
The opposition parties, which hold the majority of seats at
the Zagreb City Council and present themselves as a six-party
opposition alliance in negotiations about the Zagreb crisis, have
so far refused HDZ's suggestions about separate negotiations with
the HDZ.
(hina) vm lm jn
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