ZAGREB, Sept 18 (Hina) - Croatian Defense Minister Gojko Susak on
Wednesday received in Zagreb his Belgian colleague Jean-Paul
Poncelet for talks on the extension of UNTAES' mandate.
"We have discussed the extension of UNTAES' mandate and agreed
that both sides would respect what will be agreed with the
international community", Susak said after the talks and added that
Belgian soldiers would remain in Croatia as long as it was
Susak pointed out that Belgian soldiers, within the
international forces in Croatia since 1992, " can be a role model
for the behaviour of soldiers from other countries."
Poncelet said that the military part of the operation in
Croatia, in which Belgium had been engaged for several years, was
nearing its conclusion. Goals had been achieved and now was the
time for the civil aspect of the operation, he concluded.
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