MOSCOW, 17 Sept (Hina) - The Croatian and Russian foreign ministers
Mate Granic and Yevgeny Primakov respectively greeted the
successful implementation of Bosnian elections as the most
important step towards a peaceful settlement of the crisis.
Speaking at a press conference after their meeting in Moscow,
the two ministers stressed the importance of the establishment of
Bosnian authorities in line with the Dayton agreement.
Stressing that the relations between Zagreb and Belgrade were
essential for peace in the region, Primakov said that the
normalisation of relations between the two countries would
influence the completion of the civil part of the Bosnian peace
'We want to have good relations with all sides which
participated in the conflict and Minister Granic's visit proves
it', Primakov said, recalling that the Yugoslav foreign minister
Milan Milutinovic had visited Russia a week ago.
Although Granic said that a large part of today's talks had
been dedicated to the situation in the Croatian Danubian area, his
Russian counterpart did not speak much about that issue.
Asked whether he agreed with Croatia's proposal that the
UNTAES mandate in eastern Slovenia be extended for three months,
Primakov said that Granic and Milutinovic had to agree about that
Croatia and Russia were in agreement as regarded the future of
the region, Primakov said, adding he agreed with Granic's opinion
that international armed forces should stay in Bosnia after the
expiry of the IFOR mandate in the country.
Granic expressed satisfaction with the Moscow talks, adding
that Primakov had accepted his invitation to visit Croatia.
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