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OSIJEK, Sept 4 (Hina) - A meeting of teachers from the Osijek and
Vukovar Counties and teachers from parts of those counties under
U.N. Administration that was to take place in Osijek on Wednesday
did not take place because teachers from the occupied area did not
Deputy U.N. Transitional Administrator Derek Boothby said
today that UNTAES was responsible for the non-holding of the
meeting because it failed to arrange transport.
Some 60 teachers from the occupied area and their Croatian
colleagues were supposed to discuss syllabi proposed by Croatia.
Aide to Croatian Education and Sports Minister Bozica Simlesa
said she would demand that the meeting with those teachers, many of
whom belonged to ethnic minorities, take place.
"We know that national communities and minorities in some
schools from that area want to work according to Croatian syllabi,
apart from the Serbs, who on 2 September started the new school
year with their syllabus", Simlesa said.
Osijek Prefect Branimir Glavas said he had been informed that
not even all teachers had arrived for departure.
(hina) ha jn
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