$ ON
ZAGREB, 4 Sept (Hina) - The Croatian Railways, the Railways of
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ploce Port on Wednesday signed an agreement
on business and technological cooperation. The agreement was signed
by the general directors Marijan Klaric, Nedzad Brankovic and Ivan
The signing of the agreement was attended by the Bosnian
Ambassador to Croatia, Kasim Trnka, who stressed the importance of
today's event for the economy of the two countries, the economies
of which 'are complementary and not competing with each other'.
At a meeting which preceded the signing of the agreement, the
directors of the Croatian Railways and the Railways of Bosnia-
Herzegovina discussed the re-establishment of railway traffic on
the Sarajevo-Ploce railway line. The railway line should be
reopened on 1 January 1997.
The three sides also signed several agreements on the use and
repair of wagons and trains which are owned by the Bosnian Railways
and were left in Croatia due to war and are being used by the
Croatian Railways.
(hina) rm jn
041547 MET sep 96
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